
Peachy Keen Films-Friends To Death

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Starring. Emily Logan

Emily and Logan, 2 school schoolgirls on spring break, are getting it on in their motel apartment after a day of orb showing and gulping. They get in the Jacuzzi and spend quality time together, groping, smooching, tonguing each other all over.

When they are completed, they determine to have more joy and pretend like their Jacuzzi is violated so that they can get the maintenance fellow up to nail around with and taunt.

When the dude arrives, he bods what's up pretty swiftly and briefly he and Emily are going at it. Logan plays along for a bit, but is noticeably frustrated that she is not getting any personalized attention. She heads on the onslaught and makes the stud so raging, he plunges her head into the tile counter--she falls into the bath. This exhilarates Emily. She encourages him to accomplish her mate off. And, like a fellow knowing he is gonna get some great twat, he heads right to it. Logan, still conscious, launches out of the bath, knocks him over and attempts to escape, but he catches her gams and kept her in place. She fights as Emily encourages him and he hoists her up by the neck, forcing her against the door framework, he commences smothering her with his nude forearms.

Logan spanks and bashes him as he ********* her. Her gullet is broad, tongue out, eyes broad, she struggles for her life, but half the time he keeps her off the ground so she has no leverage. Emily is exhilarated as she observes and she plays with herself. At one point, she slides inbetween the 2 and lodges on the sofa where she embarks pounding herself as she witnesses the maintenance dude murder her finest acquaintance.

Leisurely she gives way and when she is eventually dead he tosses her onto the sofa where she lay stretched eagle. He and Emily then commence to munch and caress the dead gal. Emily lodges down inbetween her gams and commences gobbling her dead buddies honeypot. The dude messes around for a bit with both nymphs, but finally he embarks pounding Emily. He tears up her rock hard as she slurps out her dead mate.

Afterwards, they spin Logan over and he munches her out while Emily observes and drains. Then he boinks Logan, nutting inwards.

Emily is highly exhilarated and wants to get boned again, but he has other plans. The rush of adrenaline when he killed the first-ever gal was so titillating to him that he had to attempt it again. He seizes Emily by the neck and embarks her. She fights cruelly, Finally, he gets her head on the back of her dead pal where he resumes to strangle her until she is eventually dead.

Then...he drills her.

Ultimately, he carries both bods out and afterward then are flash posed in the bathtub, buried in water.

Peachy Keen Films-Friends To Death

Runtime : 30min 2s
File Size : 365 MB
Resolution : 640x480

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Peachy Keen Films-Friends To Death.mp4 - 364.5 MB
Category: Necro Porn
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